Tongue Tied

The song "Tongue Tied", originally featured in a dream sequence in the series II episode "Parallel Universe", was rearranged and rerecorded by Danny John Jules (under the name 'The Cat') and released as a single in October 1993. It reached number 17 in the UK charts, and was expected to get higher, but a planned performance on Top Of The Pops never happened, thus halting momentum for the single. The single also included the actor's performance of the Red Dwarf theme song.

A video to accompany the release which starred Danny John-Jules as some of his Red Dwarf alter-egos, including Duane Dibbley, was also produced. This was primarily available to readers of the Red Dwarf Smegazine. It was based around a storyline written by Danny John-Jules and featured music videos for some of the remixes, with guest appearances from the rest of the Red Dwarf cast, along with Clayton Mark ("Elvis" in Meltdown) and Charles Augins ("Queeg 500" in Queeg). In addition an eight-minute "Making Of" documentary featuring the cast was included.

The main melody of the song is also used in background music cues elsewhere in the second series - it appears in rearranged form in the episodes "Stasis Leak" and "Better Than Life", both of which actually precede "Parallel Universe" in the broadcast order.