
In an attempt to get Lister a new limb after the Epideme incident, Kryten tracks down his missing nanobots, only to find they are in Lister's laundry basket and they have got an old friend with them.

  • Kryten addressing the viewers ("Last week on Red Dwarf...") was the first time the show broke the fourth wall deliberatly. The only other time the fourth wall was broken was in the episode me2 when Craig Charles accidently looked at the camera while laughing.
  • This is the first time since "Parallel Universe" that Norman Lovett has appeared as Holly, the ship's computer. In between, his character was played by Hattie Hayridge.
  • The episode title can be analysed in two ways. The most obvious is to think of it as a pun on the word "anarchy", in connection with the nanobots. Alternatively, since the suffix -archy signifies rule of some sort, it could be interpreted as nan-archy, the rule of the nanobots. They are not strictly speaking in charge, but their actions do determine the fates of the Dwarfers.