Balance Of Power

Lister is fed up of being ordered around by Rimmer, and Rimmer not allowing Lister access to Kochanski's hologram disk. When Lister asks Holly why he had brought Rimmer back as a hologram, the answer was that he was the best person to keep him sane. Lister sits at a table in a room where the crew used to party, and he flashes back to him and his friends who tease Lister about Kochanski. Lister tells Rimmer that he plans to take an exam to be promoted above him. Rimmer is naturally incredulous, as if he couldn't pass the Astronavigation Exam, what chance does Lister have? Turns out that Lister has no intention to pass the Astronavigation Exam, as he plans to take the chef's exam. It's the easiest exam available, but if he passes Lister will be made an officer and can order Rimmer to hand over Kochanski's hologram disk (and Rimmer, who has a strict code of ethics when it comes to obeying superiors, will be forced to comply).

Cat gets a tray of boxes (containing cigarettes, although the Cat merely wants them because they are "shiny things") which Rimmer had hidden from Lister. Rimmer then gives him a deal: if he puts them back he gets all the fish he needs (which Cat equates to five fish). Cat is soon seen eating fish from the food dispenser (he eventually gets overfed and becomes ill). Rimmer enters the room in which Lister is taking the chef's exam, corrupting his image so he looks and sounds like Kochanski. Disguised as Kochanski, Rimmer tries to convince Lister that he is wasting his time because she would never be interested in someone like him. Lister figures out Rimmer's disguise after his un-Kochanski-like (and very Rimmer-like) actions, and Rimmer then tries to convince Lister that he is Kochanski, but is out of sorts at the moment by saying that he is "having a woman's period".

The episode ends with Lister exiting the exam room and Rimmer asking him, "How did you do, Lister?", to which Lister responds, "How did I do, Mr. Lister sir?" — implying that he passed the exam.